About Cinimon

Voyager Tarot by Cinimon Certified Voyager Tarot SeerI am a SEER, who utilizes the VOYAGER TAROT as her SEER-ing tool.

My awakening happened in 1984 when I stumbled across the VOYAGER TAROT at a store in Rhode Island. Their beauty lured me over to them.  I felt like a cartoon character floating through the air right to their side. It was an immediate response. It was as if someone created my own language in visual form; collages with layers of pictures that seem to create a dimensional impact dancing before my eyes. I understood them, no book was required. The pictures spoke to me and together – WE could dazzle the clients with the SPIRIT language of the VOYAGER TAROT.

I work with most of my clients by phone. I prefer not to know anything about the person, or even see the person. I am an acquired taste to some since I am not a traditionalist.

I don’t “read” cards nor know the meanings nor do I care to. Each client gets a fresh “reading” and whatever the cards say before me, I reveal. I do have a tendency to “rapid fire read.” I speak quickly and keep the energy moving. I want the client to get as much information as I am given. I prefer no interruptions unless clarification is required.

Cinimon Voyager Tarot SeerI’m like the seers of old, searching within the depths to extract wisdom but am packaged for the modern world. I walk within the Spirit realm but am also part of the world and understand the challenges my clients face each day. My work gives me enormous pleasure and if you decide to take this journey with me, I hope that you will feel the same way. I look forward to working with you and meeting your soul.

Schedule a Reading with Cinimon